100 Secular Homeschool Curriculum Options
Are you a secular homeschooler? Looking for non faith based homeschool curriculum? Then this list of 100 Secular Homeschool Curriculum Options is for you! Come take a look at all the options available for every subject and age!
What Does Secular Mean?
I am going to try and start with a brief discussion of what secular means. I in no way claim to be right, especially since I believe there is some gray area here. I simply hope to achieve the goal of allowing you to understand where I came from when creating this list. You should always look into each option you are considering for yourself to be sure it fits your ideas and values.
What secular means to one person, might be completely different to another. I suppose, like many things, there can be varying degrees of secular. For instance, when I wrote 10 Secular Science Curriculum Options for Your Homeschool, I more or less based my definition in terms of “not overtly Christian or Creation Based.” It was pointed out to me that this is an inaccurate accounting of what many of these programs are. The point to be made was that just because it was not Creation based, did not automatically mean it was secular. There are science programs that don’t really teach Creation or Evolution and are considered to be neutral. I have also seen science texts that teach both (for this I don’t know if there is a term)! But what is secular enough for one may not be so for others.
So please take note that I may be more lax in my terms of secular than you (or maybe I am more strict than you), my only aim here was to put together a collection of resources that are (in my opinion) secular (not faith based).
100 Secular Homeschool Curriculum Options
- Acellus Homeschool Services – Grades K-12
- A History of Us by Joy Hakim
- All About Reading
- All About Spelling
- America The Story of Us – See how we used this for High School American History
- Art Achieve
- A Young People’s History of the United States
- Big Fat Notebook American History & Big Fat Notebook World History – Middle School History
- Big Fat Notebook Math – Middle School
- Big Fat Notebook Science – Middle School
- Big Fat Notebook English Language Arts – Middle School
- Big History Project
- BookShark – PreK-8
- Brave Writer
- Build Your Library – K-10
- Calvert School – Prek-12
- CK12.org – a library of free online textbooks, videos, exercises, flashcards, and more for grades K-12
- Connections Academy – Online public school for grades K-12
- Crash Course Anatomy
- Crash Course Astronomy
- Crash Course Biology
- Crash Course Chemistry
- Crash Course Ecology
- Crash Course Economics
- Crash Course Government
- Crash Course Literature
- Crash Course Psychology
- Crash Course U.S. History
- Crash Course World History
- Crash Course World History II
- CTC Math
- Discovery K12 – Online (non common core) homeschool platform & curriculum for PreK-12th grade
- DK Books – science, history
- Duolingo – FREE language learning
- Draw Write Now – A drawing and handwriting course for elementary kids
- Easy Grammar – Grades 2-12+
- Elemental Science – Classical Science for grades PreK-12
- Famous Artists Online Unit Study Volume 1 & Famous Artists Online Unit Study Volume 2
- Five in a Row– PreK- 6th grade literature based learning
- Glenco World History – Journey Across Time
- Global Village School
- Growing with Grammar
- Handwriting Without Tears
- History Odyssey by Pandia Press (We used the Level 3 American History that uses a free online text as the spine)
- Holt McDougal Biology
- Holt McDougal Chemistry
- Holt McDougal Earth Science
- Holt McDougal Health
- Holt McDougal Environmental Science
- Holt McDougal Physical Science
- Holt McDougal Physics
- HM Civics
- HM Economics
- HM Geography
- HM Government
- HM Psychology
- HM Sociology
- HM US History
- HM World History
- Horrible History book series (also a TV series from BBC)
- Houghton Mifflin World History
- Intellego Unit Studies – K-12
- JumpCourse – High School online courses and CLEP Prep
- Khan Academy – K-12
- Laurel Springs – K-12 A private, online school
- Life of Fred Math – K-12
- Lightning Literature – Grades 1-12
- Math Mammoth
- Math U See (main curriculum)
- Minquon Math – K-3
- Moving Beyond the Page – A complete homeschool curriculum
- Mr. D Math
- Mr. Q Classic Science Curriculum – Get the entire 36 week Life Science Text FREE!
- Next Level Homeschool – Science & history (Includes the Popular Harry Potter Genetics Course!)
- Oak Meadow – Grades K-8
- Prentice-Hall Science Explorer Series – Life, earth and physical science
- Rainbow Resources – Secular Options
- Real Science Odyssey – Grades 1-9
- Right Start Mathematics
- Rosetta Stone
- Saxon Grammar and Writing
- Saxon Math Homeschool
- ShillerMath – Montessori Math for grades K-8
- Singapore Math – K-8
- Singapore Science – Grades 1-10
- Soaring with Spelling
- SpeedyPrep – Grades 9-12 online CLEP test preparation
- Speekee Spanish – Elementary Spanish
- Steve Spangler Science – Grades K-8
- Supercharged Science – Grades 1-12
- Teaching Textbooks – K-12
- Thinkwell – Grades 6-12
- Timberdoodle – Grades K-8 secular editions of their curriculum kits with religious reference removed or replaced
- Time4Language Arts
- Time4Learning – Online learning for grades PreK- 12
- Time4Math
- Time4Science
- Usborne History Books
- Winning with Writing
- Write Shop – K-12
Please note: This is not a comprehensive list (as I am not all knowing). If you have a secular curriculum that you’ve tried and loved, please feel free to leave a comment and let us know!
November 8, 2017 @ 10:07 am
Oak Meadow is not just K-8. They also have high school for both enrolled and independent use. Great list though 🙂
November 8, 2017 @ 1:01 pm
Thank you for letting me know!
December 20, 2021 @ 2:57 pm
Thank you so much. Secular homeschooling has come so far since I started 18 years ago.