Help Prevent Summer Slide with these Programs – FREE for the Summer
Are you gearing up for summer? Are you looking for things to do that are free for the summer? How about free AND educational?
I know that while I don’t want to do “school” all through the summer, I do want to keep my kids from that dreaded “summer slide“.
One of the ways I work to prevent “summer slide” is by keeping up their reading during the summer. This keeps their minds fresh and engaged and offers them the opportunity for new learning in a fun and relaxed way. Having a printable reading list can offer great book ideas as well as help you keep track of what your kids have read during the summer. And while they are reading, here are some suggestions for you moms out there to pick up and read!
We also like to keep it fun and light during the summer, so while we do incorporate reading and some fresh ways of learning, we also enjoy lots of outside time with these outdoor games and frugal family summer activities.
Beyond this, I look for programs and activities that are outside our normal routine to offer the kids something new and fun for the summer! For this reason I am super excited to tell you about this FREE for the Summer offer that the Homeschool Buyers Club (previously known as Homeschool Buyers Co-op) has this summer! {Disclosure: I was compensated for my time to share this free, no strings attached offer with you. Please see my full Disclosure Policy for more details.}

I can’t wait to try out Home School Piano and maybe even Kids Guitar Academy! We have previously used and loved Reading Eggs! And my grandson is looking forward to checking out Code Avengers!
So check out what is being offered and get your kids started on their summer of FREE FUN & LEARNING!
FREE for the Summer
Below I have listed some of the awesome summer freebies you can get at Homeschool Buyers Club. But be sure to head over there and check out all of the amazing programs that are offered FREE For The Summer from our friends at Homeschool Buyers Club.
Music and Electives
Home School Piano (Grades K- Adult) – HomeSchoolPiano has been designed to teach even absolute beginners how to play the piano by developing the ear, reading, improvisation, and composition skills of your student. Built on solid methodology that integrates throughout all 18 units, the rhythms and technique that you learn at the beginning of each unit carry over into the reading, song, and improvisation learned later in the unit. If your student enjoyed their HomeschoolPiano Trial, you can come back to the Co-op and save 35% when you purchase a Month to Month or an Annual Subscription.
Code Avengers (Grades K-12) – Code Avengers provides interactive and engaging computer science learning, making coding concepts accessible to learners of all levels. Course modules are blended with STEM and literacy learning, and broken into simple tasks that support progression.
Kids Guitar Academy (Grades 3-Adult) – Kids Guitar Academy provides professionally designed online guitar instruction courses that help kids reach goals quickly and efficiently. Each course includes online step by step video lessons, supplemental sheet music, audio downloads, and a helpline for additional support. Learn how to play the guitar with a free trial to Kids Guitar Academy Beginner Kickstart Course.
Doodlemaths (Grades PreK-7) – Designed to be used for just a few minutes a day, DoodleMaths covers all key content from Kindergarten to 6th Grade. It can even be used offline on phones, tablets, laptops and desktops, making it ideal for busy schedules! As an added bonus, receive DoodleTables, DoodleEnglish (UK version only), and DoodleSpell (UK version only) for free with your DoodleMaths subscription, exclusively through the Club.
Mathseeds (Grades PreK-4) – Mathseeds makes learning interesting and engaging for kids, with great online math games and activities. Children love the games, songs, golden eggs and other rewards which, along with feeling proud of their reading, really motivate them to keep exploring and learning.
Reading/Language Arts
Reading Eggs (Grades PreK-4) – One subscription gets you access to Reading Eggs, Reading Eggs Jr, Reading Eggspress, Fast Phonics, AND Mathseeds
Vocabulary Quest (Grades 5-12) – This game-based award winning vocabulary builder will keep users captivated as they battle monsters, join guilds, and unlock new gear using just their word power! Master advanced vocabulary to defeat the Mages and restore order to the Lands of Vocab. Before each battle a student will review a set of words by reading usage examples, listening to audio pronunciation, and playing mini games. Once a student is ready, they will battle the mages that can summon monsters in a final fill in the blank test.
Nessy (Grades K-6) – Nessy Read and Spelling learning strategies help children to learn to read 2000+ words, develop phonemic awareness, blend and decode, increase vocabulary, master sight words, improve spelling, and develop comprehension.
Science & History
Dynamic Earth Learning Aquaponics (Grades 6-12) – Dynamic Earth Learning provides easy access to digital science courses that keep kids and teens interested in the world around us. Engage with science and sustainability topics that extend beyond the science lessons commonly taught today. This Dynamic Earth Learning’s Aquaponics course is four, short hour-long courses on the topic of aquaponics. Your child will explore how aquaponics works, aquaponics parasites and diseases, sustainable fish farming methods, and whether or not aquaponics is the key to a sustainable future.
History Alive! (Grades 1-6 and 6-12) – With topics ranging from geography, to history, to science and geopolitics, every month History Alive has the ability to spark a new passion and facilitate learning in ways that might never be explored. The core curriculum is twenty, 5 minute videos covering an individual point of the overarching topic. Binge them all in one day, or take them one per day. It is up to you! Just remember that the entire course gets refreshed with a different topic every month.
Bonus FREE Gifts!
So not only does Homeschool Buyers Club have all the summer freebies I mentioned above (plus some I didn’t mention), they are also offering up to 3 EXCLUSIVE FREE GIFTS with any purchase! Simply head on over to Homeschool Buyers Club, place your order, and upon checkout, select your free gift(s).