Homeschool Village Garden Challenge ~ May 2012
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This is month number three of the Homeschool Village Garden Challenge. We participated last year, and it was so much fun not only gardening, but chronicling our progress too!
Here are their Participation Rules: since we are a homeschool community here to encourage homeschoolers we are asking that only current homeschooling families participate. Please always link your posts back to our site so your homeschool friends can participate too!
Today’s link up is sponsored by Maestro Classics! Maestro Classics produces the award-winning Stories in Music™, audio CD series for family listening. Entertaining and educational, these CDs have won over 45 national awards. These recordings for narrator and symphony orchestra introduce great music and classics stories and provide the opportunity to develop important listening skills.The mission of Maestro Classics is to cultivate a love of music through education and joyful performances.

We have yet to actually plant anything outside. Here in NY we don’t typically plant outside until after Memorial Day/Beginning of June. We started a little late with our seeds in our bay window this year so we will be another week or two before we plant most things in the garden.
We have however done all of our seed planting. It was actually such a nice day that we were able to do it outside on the picnic table and then bring everything in to the bay window. Each of our kids were excited to have their own pots to plant in, as well as the peet moss pots for all of our vegetables (and even cantaloupe this year) to be started in.
We ended up not planting any tomato seed because my parents bought too many tomato plants so they gave us their overflow. We planted many more cucumbers and green peppers this year because we use so many of them. Last year I planted cauliflower and ended up with 2 or 3, that I never picked 🙁 out of sheer laziness as they didn’t develop fully until into the cold weather. There are cauliflower seeds growing this year and I am hoping to get some and actually pick them this year!
If you read our first HSV Garden Challenge in April, you know that we put our fall pumpkins into the garden to rot and hopefully grow into new pumpkins. I am happy to report that we have at least 2 separate pumpkin plants growing in the garden! We are doing a nature study/journal pages about our pumpkins. Starting with spring pumpkins (the plants) and working our way through the summer with the flowers (there are 2 different ones, the male and the female), and then hopefully onto green and then our own orange pumpkins for the fall!

June 4, 2012 @ 8:19 am
Maybe you will get a giant pumpkin!
June 4, 2012 @ 11:48 am
What a delight it will be if Chloe, Jayden, and Ava can have pumpkins this Halloween from their own garden. Looking forward to seeing the entire results of your garden this year.
June 4, 2012 @ 3:04 pm
It is so important to teach children how to garden and instill a love for growing their own food. What a great challenge. In southern Ontario, we usually plant after our Queen Victoria May 24th long weekend and after the last full moon of May. I have had my tomato plants in the ground for 2 weeks now. Hoping for a bumper crop. Thank you for sharing with us at NOBH. Love your photography!
June 4, 2012 @ 8:58 pm
Oh cool pumpkins. I just linked up to the challenge. Rain here in GA is flooding our pots and planters. Cannot wait to see if your pumpkins grow.
June 5, 2012 @ 4:17 pm
You have some great ideas. If you get a chance, feel free to post one of your activities on our Summer Activities post. Our readers would love it.
June 5, 2012 @ 4:21 pm
Thank you Kerry! I will check it out and see what I can share over there.