The Simple Woman’s Daybook ~ May 25th, 2010
May 25, 2010…
Outside my window…the sun is shining brightly and the temperature on the thermometer is rising!
I am thinking…about Chloe’s good friend Shannon who spent all night in the ER last night. It seems as though she has broken her toe/foot and will see an orthopedic for treatment. It’s a good thing it happened the day after the State Gymnastics competition, and not before! Still no fun though!
I am thankful for…a house to live in and landscaping that I can begrudgingly do! So many are not as fortunate and I am thankful today for the house I call home.
From the learning rooms…Thanks to a friend of ours we started doing biographies this week. Each child chose a biography from the library and then they are doing mini time lines, bios, etc. for the person they chose. It is nice to see Chloe excited about something writing relataed!
From the kitchen…there is a stack a photos I am waiting for Joey to make disappear. If he has already scanned them I am not sure why they are sitting there and not in the garbage. If he has not scanned them then I am not sure why they are at risk of destruction sitting on the kitchen counter near the sink!
I am wearing…clothes! This will make my dad happy as he noted to me recently that I always say pajamas in this section!
I am creating…5″ x 5′ Lap Blanket project next week we will be getting together with two other families so the girls, not the mothers, can stitch the squares together.
I am going…to a friend’s house today. Looking forward to seeing Kelly as it has been a LONG time. We are so glad the weather is nice so that the kids can play outside.
I am reading…two books at the same time, which is unusual for me. In June I will be joining a book discussion on 13 Reasons Why, by Jay Asher so I am reading that even though I have already read it once. It is a must read for parents and teens alike! It really makes you think about how everything you say and do has an impact on someone, even if you don’t realize it! The second book I am reading is The Shack, by William P Young. This book is not my favorite. It was recommended to me by more than 1 person, and I know there has been much discussion about it amidst the religious community, but it just isn’t flowing for me! I have it on loan from the library and it is a popular one so I am sure that when the 3 weeks is up it will have to go back. Therefore I am reading it alongside 13 Reasons Why, and I will have completed it in time for it’s return to the library!
I am hoping…for an unRochester-like summer of nice weather. The rain every day of July thing last year was a downer. 🙁
I am hearing…the air blowing through the house as the central air kicks on. The fish tank water is bubbling away and the kids are NOT fighting , at this moment. Shhhhh, don’t tell them I even thought that! 🙂
Around the house…things are a little dirtier and out of order than I would like. It seems as though life has run away from me a little, or maybe I am just living my life, instead of cleaning it! You never know, it could even happen to type-A me!
One of my LEAST favorite things…I had to change this to LEAST this week due to the ever consuming presence of the braces in my mouth! The discomfort that have caused over the past 3 1/2 weeks has taken all of my patience from me. I am looking forward to, with great anticipation, having straight teeth. Yet, I can’t get that child hood stigma of braces out of my head, even at 33!
A few plans for the rest of the week: visit with Kelly, possible Planetarium trip tomorrow, Walk n Talk with Shana, nail appointment, and the usual Mom’s Taxi Service is running non stop all week.
Here is the picture for thought I am sharing…
The picture I am sharing is from Chloe’s Level 5 State Gymnastics Competition this past weekend. They break the team up by age and she is blessed to be only a month older than her long time friend, Shannon. Through thick and thin and the ups and downs at the gym, they have remained true supporters of each other. Chloe is lucky to have a friend in Shannon and as I said above, we are sad that she has injured her foot. Congratulations to both girls on a best scores state meet and to our entire team who took 3rd place in the state!

May 25, 2010 @ 11:24 am
That is a great blog Heidi! Thank you for caring so much about Shannon. I agree with you, it is great that they are 10 years old together! I love to see how the two of them support eachother and comfort eachother! They are definately lifelong friends as they started out at Victors together and have remained close! I hope that it will continue as they grow up. Have a great day!
May 25, 2010 @ 11:52 am
Thanks for sharing your daybook! I hope that your braces pain will subside. Cute picture!
May 25, 2010 @ 2:00 pm
What an awesome picture! Thanks for the peek at your week.
May 26, 2010 @ 9:48 am
Nice post!… You are very funny…
June 2, 2010 @ 4:43 pm
What an awesome picture! Thanks for the peek at your week.