Singapore Math: Dimensions Math vs. Primary Mathematics
I’m so excited to share this information with you all! I have been using Singapore Math Primary Mathematics since I started homeschooling in 2006. I used it with all three of my kids, my grandson, and I recommend it to everyone for elementary math. Now, not only does Singapore Math, Inc. have multiple variations of the Primary Mathematics (including a massive 2022 update), but they have another great math option for homeschoolers called Dimensions Math.

{I received a free copy of Singapore Math Dimensions Math, and was compensated for my time in writing this review. All views are my own and I was not required to write a positive review. Please see my full Disclosure Policy for more details.}
About Singapore Math
Singapore Math, Inc. was founded in the late 90’s by Dawn Thomas. She believed there were better opportunities for her daughter in math so she started this company. Dawn’s daughter (Echo Thomas) is currently the CEO of Singapore Math, Inc.
After years of experience with the Primary Mathematics curriculum the Dimensions Math curriculum was born. Singapore math was striving to create something better and more comprehensive. Something with more rigor, more extensive educator resources, more content so supplementary material wouldn’t be necessary, and a more engaging student experience.
“Math is just math in Singapore, just like how American football is just football in America. The trademarked term “Singapore math” is coined in the U.S. and is used to differentiate the elementary math programs that use Singapore’s approach from all the other math curricula in America.” (Wenxi Lee, “The Secrets to Singapore’s World-class Math Curriculum”, p. 13, 2020).
Singapore math curriculum uses a Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach. CPA encourages students to understand mathematical concepts by progressing from concrete manipulatives to pictorial representations and then to abstract symbols. The Singapore math approach also places a strong emphasis on developing number sense and mental math skills. It is mastery based and encourages active learning and student engagement through hands-on activities and interactive discussions.
About Dimensions Math
I had the pleasure of speaking with the Sales Manager at Singapore Math, Inc. to get the inside scoop on Dimensions Math, as well as the newest Primary Mathematic 2022 edition! I wanted to be sure I could bring as much light to the amazing Singapore math programs, and help you, my fellow homeschoolers, make an informed choice as to which program would be best for you.
- Dimensions Math is a mastery based program for grades PK-8.
- Includes differentiated learning pathways.
- Has a Home Instructor’s Guide for grades 1-5.
- Is more robust and rigorous program than Primary Mathematics.
- Has more problem and teaching options (various levels and styles of problems to choose from.) Because of this it doesn’t require additional resources.
- Two levels of tests: Test A focuses on key concepts and fundamental problem-solving skills, while Test B focuses on the application of analytical skills and heuristics.
- Dimensions Math contains many practice problems to reduce the need for supplemental material. You shouldn’t expect your kids to do all problems in all lessons. You can pick and choose what’s appropriate.
- Has an optional add on video subscription which brings a professional Singapore math teacher into your home classroom and provides in-depth instruction covering all the Dimensions Math material for an entire school year. Available for Grades 1–6.
- There are a ton of Dimensions Math Resources for FREE on the website
About Primary Mathematics
When it comes to Primary Mathematics, I have been using the original U.S. Edition since 2006. A program that is still very popular and one which they are still selling today! BUT, they also have an updated version, Primary Mathematics 2022 Edition that I got the skinny on so I can share the difference with you!
“Primary Mathematics epitomizes what educators love about the Singapore math approach, including the CPA progression, number bonds, bar modeling, and a strong focus on mental math. It’s a no-fuss, straightforward program that balances supervised learning and independent practice.” ~Singapore Math, Inc. website
Primary Mathematics U.S. Edition
- The U.S. Edition of Primary Mathematics is the original Singapore math product. It is tried and true and has been used successfully for decades.
- It is not written to any U.S. standards.
- It contains the shortest lessons and workbook exercises. (We always use the Extra Practice Books at each level when we need more problems.)
- The size of the books is smaller than a standard 8.5″ by 11″ piece of paper
Primary Mathematics 2022 Edition
- Primary Mathematics 2022 Edition is the newest Primary Mathematics product.
- What is called the Textbook in the U.S. Edition is called the Student Book.
- What is called the Workbook in the U.S. Edition is called Additional Practice.
- There are Mastery and Beyond Books for each level that offer more distributed practice with more of a spiral approach. These are great for review! (In our house they are used throughout the summer as a way to help prevent Summer Slide.)
Side Note: There is also a Primary Mathematics Common Core Edition with more closely aligns with Common Core State Standards, and a Standards Edition written to mee the 2006 Mathematics Contents Standards for California Public Schools which was issued prior to the Common Core State Standards.
Side by Side Comparison of Dimensions Math and Primary Mathematics

Sidenote: Pictured above is a side by side of Dimensions Math and Primary Mathematics U.S. Edition. It demonstrates the distinct size difference between the two. I don’t have a copy of Primary Mathematics 2022 Edition to hold but wanted you to know it is similar in size and configuration to the Dimensions Math books with colorful images and the larger size book.
All the Singapore Math products provide a solid math foundation for your homeschool. It’s just a matter of which features you feel will best suit your needs. After talking with the Singapore Math, Inc. Sales Manager, and having had experience with these products I can honestly say you are winning with any of them!
If you are looking for a more simplified, less options to choose from program than I would use Primary Mathematics. If you get easily overwhelmed with having to pick and choose part o a curriculum to use, then this will be more manageable for you.
If you are looking for an all in one, flexible to adapt to an easy or much more rigorous program than I would used Dimensions Math. This is also a good option if you want the added help of the video subscription.
Below I have broken down some of the major similarities and differences.
- Mastery based math
- uses a Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach
- Textbooks A and B for each grade correspond to the two halves of the school year.
- Both have Home Instructor’s Guides
- Same larger book format – the Primary Mathematics 2022 Edition and Dimensions Math (8.5″ by 11″) . The original U.S. Edition is smaller (7.5″ by 10″)
- Dimensions Math has two options for tests – Test A focuses on key concepts and fundamental problem-solving skills, while Test B focuses on the application of analytical skills and heuristics.
- Dimensions Math At Home – This video subscription brings a professional Singapore math teacher into your home classroom and provides in-depth instruction covering all the Dimensions Math material for an entire school year. Available for Grades 1–6.
- Dimensions Math math goes through 8th grade
- Primary Mathematics 2022 Edition has consumable textbooks
- Primary Mathematics 2022 has a Kindergarten option (the U.S. Edition does not)
- Both Dimensions Math and Primary Mathematics 2022 Edition have vibrant illustrations and clean designs (The U.S. Edition is blackline with no real color)
I just want to end by saying, I LOVE Singapore math products of any kind! The Singapore math way is a solid foundation not just in “doing math” but as a way of critical thinking and understanding how math works. So no matter which one you choose for your family you are sure to give your kids a solid math foundation!
Singapore Math Users Facebook Group
I was so excited to hear about this! It wasn’t a resource I was aware of. This is a great way to connect with other users to share ideas and ask questions.
So to connect with other Singapore math users be sure to check out the Singapore Math Users Facebook Group!
More On Singapore Math
Check out what I have previously written about the Singapore math U.S. Edition here.
See a side by side comparison of the Singapore Math U.S. Edition with CTCMath here.