Economics for High School with Mr. D Math
As a family homeschooling in New York State, we have what many would consider some pretty strict homeschool regulations. Everything from a set number of attendance days, to end of year testing, and courses like Economics for High School.
Along with American Government, Economics is required for homeschooled high schoolers in New York State. Each course needs to be a minimum of .5 credit.
How to fulfill a .5 credit of Economics for High School is a frequent question when it comes to homeschooling high school in New York State.

I have recently found an online, self paced Economics for High School course from Mr. D Math that I think homeschoolers will love! We have had multiple great experiences with Mr. D Math courses and this one is no exception!
Economics for High School
Mr. D Math Economics for High School is a half credit, online course for high school students. The course contains 16 lessons and is self-paced so you can spread it out however you like.
{Disclaimer: I received free access to Mr. D Math Economics for High School and was compensated for my time in writing this review. All views are my own and I was not required to write a positive review. Please see my full Disclosure Policy for more details.}

Topics Covered Include:
- supply/demand
- producers/consumers
- currency/credit
- debt/deficit
- economic recession
- monopolies
- taxes
In addition to the concepts of economics included above, students will learn important financial and life skills for their next stage such as:
- how to open and manage a bank account
- apply and interview for jobs
- compare benefit packages
- understanding paystubs
- budgeting
- using credit
- establishing good credit
- identity theft
- purchasing/leasing a vehicle
- renting an apartment
- calculating interest
Features of Note in Economics for High School
Economics for High School is one of the multiple self-paced courses offered at Mr. D Math. The great thing about this course being self-paced is that your student isn’t tied to class times or specific deadlines. Instead your student (and you if necessary) can decide that timeline for which this course is completed.
Take more time, take less, time, either way being self-paced offers a ton of flexibility for your homeschool!
Encourages Independence

The online platform for this course (and all the Mr. D Math courses) is laid out in such a way that students can be completely independent. In the left sidebar you will find the complete course broken down by lessons, and with those lessons there are tasks such as reading, videos, quizzes, worksheets to print and complete, and more.
Uses Various Learning Styles
Video Lessons – Mrs. Kelli does video lessons for each section of this course. On top of that there are also other videos included to reinforce topics. (YouTube Video on topic, Crash Course Videos, etc.)
Reading – Sometimes students are assigned short readings from various sources to help teach a topic.
Printable Worksheets – These worksheets include worksheets to reinforce the concept that was just introduced with via video or reading, as well as extension activities to get students thinking.
Engaging Activities – Not only does this course include all the basic methods of learning, but it goes one step further and gets students involved in real life examples and activities that demonstrate the topics being covered.
Glossary PDF

At the beginning of the course students are instructed to print out the Glossary of Terms.
While this feature may not seem important to some people, I find that a topic like Economics contains many words and concepts completely unknown to high schoolers. They are instructed to complete the definitions as they are presented throughout the course lessons. Thus encouraging them to hear them, see them, and write them. Using these various methods of engaging with the material greatly increases their chance of understanding the material.
For this reason, I love that students start with a BLANK GLOSSARY and end up with a (completely filled in by them) Glossary of Terms.
Online Graded Quizzes

Throughout the course there are online quizzes. They vary in length and include a variety of question types such as multiple choice and true/false.
They are auto graded online with instant results right on the screen so students get immediate feedback.
I like that students get 3 attempts at each quiz. This encourages learning because they can see the ones they got wrong and go back to review those concepts before trying the quiz again.
More Mr. D Math Reviews
We have also used Mr. D Math courses more than once throughout our years of homeschooling.
Having access to an instructor where the kids can ask questions and get feedback is such an awesome part of Mr. D Math live online courses.
You can check out what our experience was like with two of our children. Just click on the images below.
High School Mini MBA Book List - DDC Homeschool Blog
January 29, 2023 @ 5:33 pm
[…] She’ll also likely enroll in the Mr. D Math Economics for High School Course. […]