Top 10 Favorite Homeschooling Sites {Resources, Printables, Support & More}
When I started blogging in 2009 I had know idea what I would soon find on the Internet! I couldn’t believe the wealth of homeschool knowledge, connection, and support I would find! I originally wrote this Top 10 Favorite Homeschooling Sites list in 2012. Wow! How the time flies! So much has grown and changed in my life since then, but I was surprised to find how many of my Top 10 still ring true.
While I don’t frequent some of these sites like I used, mostly because my kids have grown and changed, I look at this list of Top 10 Favorite Homeschooling Sites and find that most are still “must visit” sites for homeschoolers. They offer printables, curriculum and personal support for homeschoolers.
Top 10 Favorite Homeschooling Sites
This Top 10 Favorite Homeschooling Sites list is in no particular order. I find great value in each and every one of them, and find myself directing many homeschoolers to them for homeschool resources, knowledge, support, and advice. Be sure to stayed tuned to the end for my Blogs to Read if you are Homeschooling Middle School, and Blogs to Read if you are Homeschooling High School!
Number One: The Curriculum Choice
This site helps you take the guess work out of selecting curriculum by offering up tons of homeschool curriculum reviews. With a host of authors (including myself) you will find varied perspectives and endless amounts of reviews.
Number Two: Hip Homeschool Moms
This a great place to connect with other homeschool moms, read lots of encouraging and informative homeschool related articles. They also have a huge Facebook Community that includes multiple groups for things like Middle/High School, Buying/Selling Curriculum and more!
Number Three: Enchanted Learning
Number Four: The Handbook of Nature Study

I have only recently (2012) come across Handbook of Nature Study, but it has come one of my most frequented sites! With the weather turning nicer here, and a need to break up the routine here, we have switched to lots of nature study time. This site is free and invaluable when it comes to activity suggestions, and information on nature studies. They also offer many of their studies in ebook format with additional notebook pages bonuses if you would like them altogether, outside of the blog format.
Now (2019) Barb has compiled her nature studies into ebooks, she also has a membership site where you can have access to everything. Or you can even sign up to receive her monthly newsletter containing nature study ideas, notebook pages, resource ideas, articles by Outdoor Hour Challenge participants, product reviews, and so much more!
Number Five: Currclick
Where would we be without Currclick? Every week they offer sales and freebies of a variety of homeschool goodies. Find history, science, literature, math and more! Their site is easy to navigate by age, subject, or even publisher.
Number Six: Homeschoolshare
Number Seven: Unit
Number Eight: Free Homeschool Deals
Even now this site is packed with FREEBIES! They have tons of round ups on practically anything you can think of. Each one packed with links to FREE resources for learning about that subject.
Number Nine: You ARE An Artist
Art, art, and more art! From FREE Video Tutorials both on Facebook and the website, to a membership site offering endless amounts of art tutorials. You can find tons of holiday themed art, nature study, history and more!
Number Ten: The Well-Trained Mind
The Big Book of Homeschooling
To get tons of great advice, and move beyond the basics of academics, pick up a copy of The Big Book of Homeschool Ideas. Some topics included are things like active learning, learning with video games, helping teens/tween become independent learners (one of my chapters), teaching on the road, learning with movies, high school literature (one of my chapters), and gardening.
This book can carry you through all your years of homeschooling, covering the stages your children will mature through: preschoolers, elementary grades, middle school, and high school. As your life situation changes, you will find new chapters that apply to you. You can view the full table of contents to see all 103 topics!
If you would like to purchase a PRINT Copy that option is now available via Amazon!! The Big Book of Homeschool Ideas – Print Copy
May 23, 2012 @ 7:33 pm
Great list of sites. Many of my favorite sites are on your list. Didn’t know about the FreeHomeschoolDeals site. Will definitely be visiting that one. Thanks for sharing.