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Food Drive 2014

6th Annual StartsAtEight Neighborhood Food Drive

014 Starts At Eight Neighborhood Food Drive

Please donate your non-perishable items to our 6th annual food drive.

Here are some suggestions:

Peanut Butter, Canned Tuna Fish, Canned Soup, Canned Vegetables, Canned Fruit, Canned Stews, Tomato Products, Rice, Macaroni & Cheese, Pasta, 100% Juice, Jelly or Jams

Please Note: We cannot accept items in glass containers

We will be collecting all items on January 20th for donation to Foodlink. Foodlink is a Feeding America regional food bank, which rescues and redistributes nearly 10 million pounds of food annually to a network of 450+ member agencies in a 10-county area in Central and Western New York. We share Foodlink’s vision to end hunger, build self-sufficiency, and foster nutritional wellness.

If you wish to donate money please make a check payable to:  Foodlink, Inc.  and mail to 41 Widgedon Landing, Hilton, NY 14468

We will collect all monetary and food donations for delivery to Foodlink.

To contact me with questions please send an e-mail to Heidi, hmc3898 @, or simply leave a comment below.

To check out our story and see what we have done in previous years, click here.

Thank you in advance for helping us instill a sense of community service and outreach in our children, and for helping us to provide for families that are much less fortunate than ours. We hope you have a happy 2014 Thank you, The Ciravola Family.

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